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About Us

Vastu Sewa sansthan

Vastu Sewa Sansthan is a community dedicated towards uplifting society with Vedic teachings and spreading awareness about the glorious Indian Heritage. We advise vastu and astrology with the base of modern, refined and tested versions of ancient Vastu Shastra and use them with the right knowledge to free people from their sufferings. Our community promotes Indian culture and educational heritage and is poised to promote social, economic and spiritual development of the people at large with a holistic approach.

Are you suffering from...

  • Financial Instability
  • Continuous Health Issues
  • Disturbed Relationships
  • Unemployment / No Job Opportunities
  • Poor Concentration
  • Education Problems
  • Legal Discord
  • Misfortune
  • Personal Distress
  • Professional adversity

Is it because of Vastu Dosh? Can vastu dosh create problems in your life? Does your building have vastu dosh?

Vastu Dosh

Have you ever thought why some people with exceptional skills are never able to achieve what they really deserve in their life? Why does a person continuously face financial misfortunes? Why are some children not able to excel in studies even after repeated attempts? Why do beautiful relationships become chaotic and finally end? Why do people feel unlucky?

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All these are nothing but symptoms of Vastu Dosh. If your house or building violates the laws and principles of Vastu Shastra, then it is said to be affected with Vastu Dosh. With growing years people have been negligent of Vedas and Vastu Shastra. Researches have shown that Vastu is not just a vedic principle, it's a mystic science whose principles play a major role in synchronization of our subconscious mind, which inturn impacts one’s life experiences. Hence, it is very important that the architecture aligns with Vastu Shastra and not adhering to it can lead to Vastu Dosh.

The space where one resides or conducts his/her commercial life plays a vital role to determine his/her future - Dr. Khushdeep Bansal, famous vastu shastri.

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Vastu Shastra

Vastu means ‘a suitable building for dwelling’ and shastra means study. Hence, vastu is the science and art of exploring human potential through buildings. It explains how topography, roads, neighbouring infrastructure, Sun’s effects, Earth’s magnetic and energy fields, cardinal directions and natural elements affect an architecture, commonly known as site and how these effects collectively create an impact on your life.

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How to get rid of Vastu Dosh?

If you are suffering from such problems and are not able to recover from them even after multiple attempts then you should acknowledge the presence of Vastu Dosh.

Don’t worry! Vastu Dosh is curable. Vastu Sewa Sansthan will help you get rid of Vastu Dosh and lead a better life. Our community consists of renowned Vastu experts who provide effective solutions, consultancies and easy remedies which can cure Vastu Dosh without any demolition of your building. Vastu Sewa Sansthan is one such step in this regard.

Let’s make our lives better with Vastu Sewa Sansthan! Vastu Sewa Sansthan - Simplifying your life

Why Vastu Sewa Sansthan?

1. 100% Guaranteed Solution:

If we can not determine the root cause of any problem, we do not suggest anything. We are truly dedicated to relief you from pain and miseries of life. If one applies our suggestion honestly, he gets within 21 to 40 days depending on his subconscious stability.

2. No demolition of Infrastructure required:

We provide inplace solutions through easy Vastu remedies which do not require demolition of infrastructure of your house or factory or redesigning or replanning of architecture. Just by changing colour or by changing or adding property in certain areas of the building, we heal your house and factory of Vastu Dosh.

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3. Systematic procedure:

We follow a step by step procedure to figure out the imbalances caused by the building, and the underlying reasons for them on the basis ofSankhya Darshan. Then we use 16 direction techniques as directed by Mahavastu Corporation ltd for the correction of imbalances without breaking or making any demolitions in the built-up structure or building.

4. High precision level:

While diagnosing the root cause of the problems, high precision levels are practised and not more than 2-3 degrees of deviation in north direction is allowed. With such precision, symptoms match 100% with the problem, and accurate diagnosis paves way for successful results.

5. Focus on accurate diagnosis:

We accurately match the symptoms of a problem with its effects, e.g., 'Do blue colored curtains in the South-East lead to recurring accidents and financial losses?’ It, thus, pin-points the root cause of a problem in building and our accurate and precise findings and diagnosis heals you in no time.

6. Flexibility and alternative solutions:

Nowadays, people are more inclined towards incorporating modern designing concepts, while making the optimum use of the available space. We do not suggest removal of the kitchen etc from their place. We simply balance it with panchtatva. Hence we provide alternative solutions which are flexible enough.

7. Applicable to irregular shaped plots, buildings and apartments:

We follow a step by step procedure to figure out the imbalances caused by the building, and the underlying reasons for them on the basis ofSankhya Darshan. Then we use 16 direction techniques as directed by Mahavastu Corporation ltd for the correction of imbalances without breaking or making any demolitions in the built-up structure or building.

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Effective usage of colours and shapes:

We use attributes and effects of colours and shapes, logically, which 100% matches with the real life observations. So, colours and shapes are used to produce good effects by the practitioners of our expert.

Our Remedial Steps

Vastu Consultation –

We suggest our remdies with different level….

Basic – Recommended only for get relief from pain with basic solution.

Advance – We work on energy field deeply and use customize pics for desires manifestation.

Astrological Vastu Remedy – A different techniques to get resolve from pain using customize vastu for a one person, which is facing problem.

Intuitive Level Remedies – Based on Srimad Bhagwat Geeta (Indian Traditional Book), We work as this level only for permanent members which want to come with us on a infinitive level.

After Every steps application we work and see the effect then we go to next level only...

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About Us

Vastu Sewa sansthan